Wednesday, May 21, 2008

In the Home Stretch...

It's been a busy couple of months. I've finished gluing up 50+ cribbage boards which will be in several series. The only thing left to do on these 50+ cribbage boards is sanding, drilling and tapping the cap holes and final finishing. The chess boards (10-18) are almost done as well. I was going to use IPE as the outermost edging material for these boards, but decided IPE is better for the chess squares than edges. The IPE boards are quite heavy as well. So for Chess boards 10-18, I will be using Walnut for the outer most edge. Chess Boards 19-27 will be similar in terms of the woods used in boards 10-18, but instead of Maple for the white squares, I will be using Curly Maple. I paid way too much for some Curly Maple scrap pieces, but I think those boards will turn out nice. I've been resisting the temptation to start gluing up new cribbage board faces until I completely finished this current batch of 50+ cribbage boards. The current batch is devoid of any tournament style boards, so the next batch will be mostly tournament boards. Also, I'm planning a special "19" shaped board (think of the classic "29" shaped cribbage board, but instead of being shaped in the number "29", its shaped in the number "19". ) These should be ready shortly before the Holidays. I made the template some time ago. It's a pretty big board, but I think it will be fun board to release around the Holiday Season.